Realm FM

Realm FM

Realm Fm was amazing! 

I thoroughly enjoyed Tyrolin Puxty's Broken doll series and was hoping this would be as great as they where and she didn't let me down. Tyrolin Puxty is back with another smashing hit! 

This time based in outer-space in a WORM HOLE! This story is full of humor, love, politics and some sweet SiFi locations. I couldn't drop this book for even a moment, every page kept me turning tell i reached what i wished would never come the end. (That actually is my only complaint about the book is that it wasn't longer lol!) Its a great fast paced book that will keep you hooked!

I definitely recommend to any fans of the broken doll series and any SiFi fans!

its about;

 Amy Holt swore on air. Surely that doesn’t make her an inept radio host. Either way, she’s desperate for work; and if she doesn’t find something soon, it’s back to Australia. 

When the job of her dreamish nightmares presents itself, Amy jumps at the opportunity, surprised to hear that the station is built on a wormhole, opening it up to infinite realms. 

Interviewing Bigfoot and her doppelganger aren’t that problematic. Working for her sister’s ex-boyfriend though, is a whole other matter. He’s ridiculously charismatic. And good looking. Poor bugger is missing a six-pack, though. 

Suddenly, travelling through an apocalyptic wasteland and mollifying racist Bigfeet doesn’t seem so hard. 

Trying to avoid Ryan’s charm, though? Yeah, that wasn’t in the job description.

P.s. the author has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for an honest review.


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