Big School of Drawing Manga, Comics & Fantasy Workbook by Walter Foster Creative Team

A Fun Workbook for Aspiring Artists

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The "Big School of Drawing Manga, Comics & Fantasy Workbook" by the Walter Foster Creative Team is a delightful and comprehensive guide for budding artists looking to delve into the worlds of manga, comics, and fantasy art.

What sets this workbook apart is its hands-on approach. It offers aspiring artists a chance to practice their skills and learn new techniques through a variety of engaging exercises. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, making it accessible to artists of all skill levels. The book covers essential topics like character design, storytelling, and creating dynamic compositions, providing a solid foundation for those looking to explore these art forms.

The workbook is beautifully illustrated, and filled with inspiring artwork and examples that encourage creativity. While it's packed with valuable information, it manages to maintain a playful and enjoyable tone throughout. This makes it an excellent resource for young artists looking to improve their craft.

However, one minor drawback is that some sections may feel a bit simplistic for experienced artists. While it's fantastic for beginners, those with more advanced skills might find themselves craving more in-depth techniques and challenges.

In summary, the "Big School of Drawing Manga, Comics & Fantasy Workbook" is an excellent resource for novice artists interested in manga, comics, and fantasy art. It's a hands-on, fun, and educational guide that can help you embark on your artistic journey. Whether you're a young artist looking to learn the basics or an adult seeking a creative outlet, this workbook provides an enjoyable and informative experience.


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